With an incidence below 5 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, Paediatric Transplantation (PT) is a rare and complex procedure that requires a standardised approach to guarantee equal access and safe patient care. PT has unique features like young age and low weight, immune system immaturity and plasticity, the transition from childhood to adulthood and long-life expectancy. These aspects require the transfer of specific knowledge, techniques and innovative medicine approach in paediatric patients. However, in order to maintain the ERN competency and expertise, it is necessary to develop a common education and training strategy that focuses on these topics.
The main aim of this workshop is to address training in the area of PT according to the holistic approach of the network, allowing the integration of educational activities in all type of transplantion procedures and a wide range of professionals involved in the different phases of transplantation. This Workshop edition will be focused on two different subjects, namely the “monitoring and tolerance induction strategies in paediatric transplantation” and the “transition to adulthood”.
The workshop has been divided into three general sessions:
- Two morning sessions more destined to the healthcare professionals, and an afternoon session focused on the stakeholder’s experiences and knowledge in transition.
- The first morning session will consist of four 20 minutes lectures followed by a 15 minutes discussion on the topic: “Monitoring strategies in paediatric transplantation”.
- The second morning session will consist of four 20 minutes lectures followed by a 15 minutes discussion on the topic: “Tolerance induction strategies in paediatric transplantation”.
- In the afternoon session adolescents and young adults (AYAs) transplanted in childhood will share their experience and expectation on transition.
- Furthermore, healthcare professionals will share their experience and knowledge on “How to ease the transition to adult care”.
- Finally, all stakeholders will participate in the round table discussion.
The morning sessions are mainly targeted to healthcare professionals and members of multidisciplinary teams involved in paediatric transplantation, from inside or outside the network, or simply healthcare professionals interested on organ donation and transplantation.
The afternoon session is directed to AYAs living with a transplant, their families and caregivers and patient organization, as well as healthcare professionals involved or interested in the transition process.
The meeting wil be held via the Zoom platform. The link for participants to join the reunion will be sent via e-mail to participants who have registered for the event.