Dr. Samantha Anthony was invited to the 7th Board of the Network to present her project: “Patient-reported outcome measures within pediatric solid organ transplantation: A systematic review”. Sheis a Social Worker within the Transplant and Regenerative Medicine Centre and a Health Clinician Scientist at SickKids. Dr. Anthony is a Scientist-Track Investigator in the Child Health Evaluative Sciences Program of the Research Institute. She leads a clinical research program focused on establishing a foundation for successful psychosocial adaptation and enhanced quality of life for children with chronic disease, with a particular focus on solid organ transplantation. Patient-engagement, mixed methods and Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures (PROMs) are all key elements of her research portfolio.
From TransplantChild, we are willing to work and research in PROMs and Patient Reported Experiences Measures (PREMs). We will also integrate PROMs in our registry, so we will be collaborating with Dr. Anthony to keep promoting research in these areas.
The use of PROMs and PREMs in the paediatric transplanted patient’s healthcare will allow to:
- Give a general description of patients’ health.
- Identify incipient conditions and disabilities.
- Monitor the evolution of the disease with the treatment.
- Evaluate the patients’ perceived necessities.
- Create treatments consistent within patients’ preferences and needs.
- Improve the communication between the clinician and the patient.
- Provide data reported by patients to improve quality.
- Standardise the interactions between patients and HealthCare Providers.