5th TransplantChild Workshop:
Psychosocial and Chronic challenges in Paediatric Transplantation

The time indicated in the Programme corresponds to the Spanish local time


                                  Venue: La Paz University Hospital, Madrid – “Aula Ortiz Vázquez”

Thursday, June 13th, 2024

9:30-9:45 Registration & Connection
9:45-10:00 Welcome presentation
General Session I: Psychosocial side-effects of transplantation

 Chair: Ms. Elin Öfverberg – Sahlgrenska University Hospital (Gothemburg, Sweden)

            Dr. Eduardo Fernández – La Paz University Hospital (Madrid, Spain)


The mental health of transplanted children and adolescents

Dr. Marta Biernacka – The Children’s Memorial Health Institute (Warsaw, Poland)


Felt needs of transplanted children – What do we need? What do we expect from Healthcare staff?

Mr. Liam Hanfelt – Sahlgrenska University Hospital (Gothemburg, Sweden)

10:30-10:45 Felt needs of the parents of transplanted children – What do we need? What do we expect from Healthcare staff?
Ms. Pirjo Sorri – Virgen del Rocio University Hospital (Seville, Spain)


Impact of infant transplantation on siblings. Consequences of over-protection


Dr. Patricia Gallego – NUPA (Madrid, Spain)


Impact of child’s transplant recipient disability on the family and the role of social support system

Dr. Marianne Samyn – King’s College Hospital (London, England)

11:15-11:45 Discussion/Q&A Sesssion
11:45-12:15 Coffee Break
General Session II: Problems of growing transplant recipients

Chair: Ms. Paloma Martínez – La Paz University Hospital

           Ms. Ana Martínez – HEPA


Adolescence and risk behaviours

Dr. Concepción Bonet – La Paz University Hospital (Madrid, Spain)


Therapeutic adherence and motivation

Ms. Mathilde Leheup – Necker Hospital (Paris, France)


How to improve medication adherence

Dr. Kamila Zych – The Children’s Memorial Health Institute (Warsaw, Poland)


Essential elements of transition programmes

Dr. Anneloes Van Staa – Erasmus MC (Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands)


Sexual education in adolescent transplant recipients. Fertility and pregnancy after transplantation

Prof. Monika Szpotańska – The Children’s Memorial Health Institute (Warsaw, Poland)

13:30-14:00 Discussion/Q&A Session
14:00-15:15 Lunch Break

General Session III: Recurrence after transplantation and metabolic disease

Chair: Dr. Alastair Baker – King’s College Hospital

           Dr. Carmen Capito – Necker Hospital (Paris, France)


Recurrence of disease after kidney transplantation

Dr. Licia Peruzzi – AOU City of Health and Science of Turin (Torino, Italy)


Recurrence of disease after liver transplantation

Dr. Norman Junge – Hannover Medical School (Hannover, Germany)

15:45 16:00







Recurrence of disease after heart transplantation

Dr. Manuela Camino – Gregorio Marañón University Hospital (Madrid, Spain)

Recurrence of disease after lung transplantation

Dr. Antonio Moreno – Vall d’Hebron University Hospital (Barcelona, Spain)

Fatigue after paediatric stem cell transplantation for childhood cancer 

Dr. Raphaële van Litsenburg – Princess Maxima Center for Pediatric Oncology (Utretch, the Netherlands)

Living donor transplantation and metabolic diseases – risk of recurrence

Dr. Dariusz Rokicki – The Children’s Memorial Health Institute (Warsaw, Poland)

Discussion / Q&A session


Dr. Francisco Hernández – La Paz University Hospital (Madrid, Spain)



Dr. Paloma Jara – ERN TransplantChild Coordinator



Download the Full Programme:

*Be aware that the programme may be subject to modification